Tag: Clustering

K-Means Clustering(2)

개요 이전 포스팅에 이어 Big Query ML에서 K-Means Clustering에서 k값을 결정하는 방법을 알아보자 이 포스팅 하단부에 대한 설명 Elbow Method 사용하고자 하는 클러스터 범위를 지정한다. 각 클러스터를 WCSS방법으로 계산을 합니다. WCSS값과 클러스터 K 갯수에 대한 커브선을 그립니다. 뾰족하게 구부러진 부분이나 특

Comparison K means & GMM

1. K-Means It can be used for easy, concise, and large data. If the number of features becomes too large with distance-based algorithms, the performance of clustering is degraded. Therefore, in some c

Gaussian Mixture Model

1. What is GMM It is one of several models applying the Expectation Maximum (EM) algorithm. What is EM algorithm? EM algorithm is basically an algorithm mainly used for Unsupervised learning. It is al

K-Means Clustering

1. What is K-means Clustering The K-Means clustering algorithm does not automatically identify and group the number of clusters by looking at the data. The number of clusters should be specified and t


Clustering is an example of unsupervised learning. Without any label, those with close distances in the data are classified into clusters. It is different from classification, which is supervised lea